Category : Office
Location : Tokyo Shibaura
Cooperation : GM Atelier
Photo : Unknown

エントランスをくぐると、ガラススクリーンの向こうに見えるトロフィーの数々は‘‘ライオン ハント’’ という言葉の大物狩りといわれる意味を、ユーモアに置き換えたシーンとして王者ライオンの手元に集められる。獲得した獲物に近づくと吠えて威嚇するというインタラクティブなサプライズもTBWA\HAKUHODOならではの面白さ。

Office design for TBWA\HAKUHODO, an advertising agency jointly established by an American company, TBWA and a Japanese company, HAKUHODO. With its mantra being 'Disruption', the multinational company has produced numerous creative advertisements winning many awards both in Japan and abroad. 
The agency's award winning trophies are displayed on wall-fitted shelves, overseen by a stuffed lion trophy. It is a play on words of 'Lion Hunt', a big game hunting. The stuffed Lion trophy actually shouts at people who come near the trophies.